DIY Face Mask At Home – Get A Glowing Skin In A Few Steps

DIY face masks are excellent beauty allies and also ideal for an immediate effect. They must be used regularly to obtain satisfactory results. Whether moisturizing, soothing, anti-wrinkle or for oily skin, it is possible to prepare them at home with natural ingredients that we all have in the pantry or that are easy to find in the supermarket.

DIY Face Mask at Home

Let’s see together how lemon, honey, kiwi or banana, can be used as ingredients to make fast and effective DIY face masks!

Moisturizing and nourishing Banana face mask

For dry and chapped skin, the banana mask will become your best ally. The necessary ingredients for this mask are – a banana, a teaspoon of honey and one of white yogurt. Put all the ingredients in the mixer and mix until a liquid and homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply it on the face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, removing any residue of the compound. Leave the skin to rest for a few hours and then apply a light veil of moisturizer. Your skin will be soft and velvety.

Purifying Kiwi face mask for oily skin

If you have oily skin you need a purifying mask. The ingredients for this mask are a kiwi and two teaspoons of white yogurt. Crush the kiwi with the help of a spoon and mix them together. Spread the mask on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Once you’re done, rinse with warm water and with a cotton ball apply an astringent tonic.

Illuminating lemon face mask

Without a doubt one of the most important ingredients to brighten the face is lemon, a real beauty ally for your skin. Mix its juice with a spoonful of honey and gently massage the mixture on your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rinse with fresh water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel without rubbing and apply a moisturizing lotion.

DIY face mask for pimples and blackheads

To create a mask for pimples and blackheads, just combine two tablespoons of baking soda and two of lemon juice to create a creamy consistency mask. Baking soda has a slight exfoliating action, while lemon will help the skin to regenerate. Spread it on the affected areas in circular movements and leave it on to act for about 10 minutes. Once you’re done, rinse with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. Use a moisturizing and purifying lotion.

Soothing and relaxing face mask with honey

This mask is recommended for those with couperose skin or to soothe facial redness. To prepare it, you will need to use a spoonful of honey, mixed with 4 or 5 strawberries previously washed, drained and crushed well. Spread the mixture on a clean face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water using a sponge. Afterwards apply your usual cream.

Relaxing eye contour mask with sweet almond oil

To reduce dark circles and to nourish and moisturize the eye area, we can prepare this relaxing mask with sweet almond oil and honey that will make the skin even softer. Just mix two spoons of honey and a teaspoon of sweet almond oil in a small bowl. When the mixture is ready, apply it on the eye area and keep the mask on for at least 10 minutes. Then, rinse your face with warm water. At the end, apply your eye cream.

Mask for oily skin with yeast

The enlarged pores are a problem for many women, especially in the T zone, and for those with oily or combination skin. But there is a natural and home-made remedy for this too. Mix a spoonful of baking powder with egg yolk and apply on the face, paying particular attention to the T zone. After 15 minutes rinse with fresh water and apply a tonic. Your skin will be fresh and the pores will be noticeably smaller.

Simple DIY anti-wrinkle mask with egg white

This is a mask that you can also do twice a week or when you need a lifting effect before an evening out. Prepare it by adding a spoonful of honey to the egg white and mix until you get a thick mixture. Apply on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water with the help of a sponge. Then, apply a good moisturizer.

Firming face mask with yogurt

To combat the loss of facial skin tone, a firming mask is ideal. It can be made by mixing together two tablespoons of oats, two tablespoons of orange juice and four tablespoons of natural yogurt. Mix everything well and leave the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Afterwards rinse with cold water and apply a moisturizing lotion.

Chamomile anti fatigue and decongestant mask

To eliminate facial tiredness and remove & relieve redness, it is useful to prepare a chamomile face mask. It is also suitable as a night mask before going to bed. You can use either chamomile sachets or flowers. Infuse the sachet or flowers in water and bring it to a boil. Let it cool and then add a spoonful of flour. Spread the mixed products on the face and leave on for at least 15 minutes. For a decongestant effect, once the chamomile is prepared, leave it to cool in the fridge for about twenty minutes. Then wet the cotton pads with the infusion and place them on the face, leaving it to act for at least 10 minutes.

Useful tips to correctly apply the face mask

  1. It is important to apply the mask immediately after preparing it to ensure that it does not lose effectiveness.
  2. Apply the mask only on a perfectly clean face.
  3. The greatest effect of the face mask is obtained in the first 5 minutes of application but it is good to let it act a little more to improve its effect.
  4. When we put on masks with astringent power, such as the one for enlarged pores, we must be careful not to speak or move our face too much in order not to spoil the effect and risk pulling too much on the skin.
  5. Avoid the area around the eyes unless the mask is specific to that area of ​​the face.
  6. Always remove the mask with the help of a sponge or cotton pads soaked in warm or cold water depending on the type of mask.
  7. After making the face mask always apply a cream suitable for our skin type


So, when you want to give your skin some TLC, but can’t bring yourself to leave the vicinity of your humble abode, try these face mask recipes to get a beautiful at-home glow money can’t buy.

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Written By Aastha

Meet Aastha, a passionate poet, content writer and avid reader. She loves books, music, and journaling and is dedicated to writing stories. Her goal is to become an author and share her creativity with the world. Follow her journey as she delves deeper into the world of literature.

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