Things to avoid for healthy and gorgeous hair

The hair has a life cycle that develops in three phases: birth and development (anagen phase), growth (catagen) and fall (telogen), to be replaced by a new hair. Therefore, hair also has its own life cycle ranging from 2 to 7 years and which is repeated about 20 times.

Losing up to 100 strands of hair a day, for thick hair, is considered natural physiological replacement. So, when the hair loss is part of the regrowth cycle, it should not worry. However, in case of pathological hair loss, it is advisable to contact a specialist, who will recommend the right treatment.

The number of hair that fall out during the day can be caused by several factors. Losing hair can therefore be a seasonal and transitory factor, which intensifies in the so-called “chestnut period”, or a phenomenon that hides something more. Behind the hair loss, problems related to nutrition & health, stress & lifestyle and genetics & hormones can be hidden.

Here are the most common causes of hair loss and the remedies to be adopted.

Causes of hair loss: from the change of season to stress

The causes of hair loss are many. During the change of season, for example, hair loss intensifies. In the spring months of April and May and the autumn months of September and October, also called “chestnut period”, the amount of hair you leave on the comb increases. But, don’t worry, it is a completely natural phenomenon that occurs constantly.

đź“ŚMust Read: Things to avoid for healthy and gorgeous hair

In the case of hair loss during the change of season, the causes are due to physiological phenomena. Nutrition is often one of the first factors to consider. The lack of some nutrients, in fact, can make the hair weaker and cause it to fall out. The hereditary factor is also decisive. If there are cases of baldness in the family, it is easier for this predisposition to be transmitted to children. Other causes can be dandruff, seborrhea or dermatitis. Hair loss can also arise as a result of aggressive cosmetic treatments. For example, if you have bleached your hair over the years, or you have often used chemicals for perming, you may lose your hair more easily.

Hair loss is also quite common due to hormonal changes in pregnancy and menopause, when new lifestyle stress and extra hormone production could make hair weaker and cause sudden loss or estrogen deficiency. If you have had a difficult period from health point of view, it is normal for your hair to be weaker. In fact, the drugs may have weakened the hair shaft causing you to lose it prematurely. Contact your doctor immediately to evaluate a change in therapy.

Those suffering from thyroid, liver problems or even those suffering from diabetes are more prone to hair loss. The environmental pollution, linked to the place where you live, should not be underestimated either. Stress, whether it is emotional or caused by tension, can cause temporary hair loss, which stops as soon as the cause that triggers the stress disappears.

The symptoms of hair loss are: receding hairline, thinning, fragile hair, patches devoid of hair that are sometimes associated with redness, itching, dandruff or seborrhea.

Hair loss: what to do when it is persistent

In case of severe or persistent hair loss, it is necessary to contact the trichologist who will carry out some or all of these tests; Trichological examination – to understand what makes hair fine and brittle; Trichogram – a microscope analysis on a sample of the patient’s hair which establishes any problems in the natural regrowth cycle; and finally, Mineralogram – an examination that identifies any dietary deficiencies, such as zinc and iron i.e., minerals that are important for hair health.

It must also be said that, with regard to hereditary factors, some types of hair loss are similar in both women and men even if, more often, in women, the fall is associated with transient phenomena. Alopecia has always been attributed only to men while it often happens that women suffer from female androgenetic alopecia, a thinning that affects women who have in the family, female members, with thinning hair. In women the frontal line remains intact and the thinning affects the crown and the front.

Natural remedies to limit hair loss

To counteract and stem hair loss, especially when it is physiological in nature, you can resort to do-it-yourself remedies with natural ingredients. For example

  • You can create a tea tree oil pack, which also eliminates excess sebum. Dilute a few drops in another vegetable oil and make periodic packs.
  • Avocado is also a great beauty ingredient. Use it to prevent hair loss by creating an avocado strengthening mask. Blend the pulp of the fruit and apply it on the hair half an hour before shampooing.
  • Even olive oil can be useful for strengthening the hair and limiting hair loss. Just a few drops of olive oil can be applied directly to damp hair. Massage the scalp for a couple of minutes and after half an hour proceed with the normal shampoo.

To make a do-it-yourself hair loss wrap you need: 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, apply it on the hair, massage and leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse & shampoo as usual.

Mamaearth offers various toxin and chemical free hair oils, serums and shampoos that contain ingredients like olive oil, ginseng, tea tree oil, etc. You can shop for them from Mamaearth’s official store. Don’t forget to apply the relevant Mamaearth discount coupon code before making your purchase to earn additional discount. Those shopping from Mamaearth for the first time can search for the latest Mamaearth coupon code new user and apply it while checking outto avail jaw-dropping discounts on their purchases.

Hair loss: right nutrition to prevent it

You can prevent hair loss even with the right diet. Some foods, in fact, are essential for the health of our hair. The lack of protein is one of the factors that determine slower growth. Vitamin B12, contained in eggs, meat and poultry, is critical for the growth and health of hair. On the other hand, iron-rich foods such as broccoli or brewer’s yeast will counteract the loss.

In liver and egg yolk there is not only biotin, an essential vitamin for natural hair growth, but also caffeine and ginseng which promote and stimulate growth. To increase the mineral salts in the body, it is important to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Don’t forget millet, which thanks to the presence of silicon and vitamins improves hair health and strengthens the hair. Carrots, squash and green leafy vegetables provide beta-carotene which is transformed into vitamin A, which is also important for hair health.

Vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen and which can be found in citrus fruits, salads, potatoes, tomatoes, as well as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries, is also indispensable for good hair health.

For healthy, strong and shiny hair, nuts are also perfect, which thanks to the alpha-linolenic acid contribute to the health of your hair. Even cheeses should not be missing in your diet because they provide amino acids and vitamins to your hair that counteract the fall and make your hair stronger. Dairy products, as well as skim milk and yogurt for example, are low in fat but are a rich source of calcium, which is essential for hair growth.

Onion juice: the natural remedy for hair loss

Hair loss is one of the most worrying aesthetic problems that affects both men and women. If at first it goes unnoticed, in the long run it becomes evident and unaesthetic, especially when the hair begins to lose thickness from a very young age. One of the natural remedies to limit hair loss is onion juice, which also manages to fight other ailments such as dandruff, fungal infections and dryness.

This substance is antiseptic & antibacterial and helps to thoroughly clean the hair follicles, in order to prevent the appearance of yeasts and bacteria that weaken the hair. It also contains allicin, which stimulates circulation in the scalp, allowing the hair to grow without problems.

Onion juice can be easily prepared at home and is absolutely natural, as it does not contain chemicals and is not harmful to the body. Just peel 3 onions, put them in the blender and process well until you get a juice. The ideal is to mix it with 50 grams of honey, so as to reduce the penetrating odor.

The secret is to pass it on damp hair at least twice a week and leave it on for 15 minutes or even overnight. If you want to get even more satisfying results, you can perform the treatment every day for 2 months. In this way, the hair will appear strong, shiny and voluminous. The results vary from person to person, but the treatment can also be integrated with a diet rich in nutrients, so as to favor the regrowth of the hair.

When to use supplements?

There are also many specific supplements against hair loss on the market. But we must be careful, and not rely on DIY. In fact, supplements should only be taken under medical supervision, after having performed blood tests that reveal certain deficiencies. It is therefore important to seek the advice of the dermatologist, to avoid overindulgence in the intake of certain substances. As an effective remedy, and without contraindications, you can stimulate the scalp with a massage, while washing the hair. It helps to stimulate circulation and normal nourishment of the hair bulb.


Hair is an important element in our social life, because it gives us security and self-confidence. So, if you’re suffering from hair loss, it is important to find out what are the causes and if there are remedies to stop the fall.

Further reading…

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Written By Aastha

Meet Aastha, a passionate poet, content writer and avid reader. She loves books, music, and journaling and is dedicated to writing stories. Her goal is to become an author and share her creativity with the world. Follow her journey as she delves deeper into the world of literature.

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