Solutions and tips to follow for extra hair volume

Frantic life, frequent use of straighteners and hairdryers, incorrect nutrition: nowadays having a hair at its best can prove to be a real feat. On the other hand, it is well known that physical stress and external agents greatly affect the health of our hair, making it brittle, dull and lacking in volume. Treating them appropriately therefore becomes essential for them to regain their lost vitality and beauty.

If you do not want to buy thousands of hair care products or spend good money at the hairdresser, you just need to take some small steps to increase the volume of your hair in a completely natural way and thus show off a wow effect look on every occasion. 

More volume for the hair

Remember the 60s hair trend? In those days, extreme volume and super teased hairstyles were a must, even if you had to resort to liters and liters of spray hairspray. Well, maybe that style was a bit exaggerated, but the fact is that, even nowadays, nobody likes having a dull and flat hair, and so most women end up undergoing expensive beauty treatments. stung by hair stylists to get that extra volume that makes the difference.  

But why is hair often dry and without volume? The causes can be many: maybe they have been like this since their birth, or they have become so due to the thermal stress caused by hair dryers and plates, or worse still from the use of too aggressive cosmetics.

If you too dream of having a voluminous and shiny hair without, however, incurring excessive costs, with some little tricks, which we now pass to illustrate, the effect will be instantaneous.

1. Brush and hairdryer

Probably, the simplest and inexpensive way to give more volume to your hair after shampooing is to create a fold with a brush and a hairdryer. In the drying phase, it is enough to wrap the previously selected locks around the round brush and accompany the hair dryer with rotating movements, especially near the roots. In this way, an absolutely natural effect will be created and the hair will be more fluffy and defined.

2. Hair straightener

Even the use of the hair straightener can become an excellent solution to give volume to the hairstyle. It is sufficient, in fact, to create soft waves, gradually turning the instrument inwards until it reaches the tips. To get an easier result, just brush the curls slightly to make the crease rebellious but still light.

3. The diffuser

Another valid ally for extra voluminous hair is the diffuser, an accessory that is often included with most hairdryers in circulation but can also be purchased separately in one of the many specialized shops. 

Regardless of whether your hair is smooth or naturally wavy, all you have to do is dry it, preferably upside down, making small circular movements near the roots, and voila: the hair will be fluffy and soft thanks to the combined action of the jet. hot air from the hairdryer with the volumizing effect of the diffuser. For an even more extreme result, we suggest you apply some foam for curls before proceeding with drying and fix the style with a little hairspray.

4. The Backcombing

Finally, there is a procedure as old as the cucco but still very much in vogue today, as it is extremely simple to make and capable of inflating the hair in an absolutely natural way: we are talking about backcombing hair. Although it is an “old school” technique, there is no need for a revival of the 60s, but it is sufficient to isolate the individual strands and comb them from top to bottom with a fine-toothed comb.

What to eat for healthy and voluminous hair?

Those who want to have thick and shiny hair must not limit themselves to treating it with the right cosmetics, but should also pay more attention to their daily diet. Yes, a healthy and balanced diet is essential to keep your hair in strength and health: fruit, vegetables, cereals, eggs, are just some of the foods to be included in your food routine to have a healthier looking hair and full-bodied.

The capillary structure, in fact, is mainly composed of proteins, which are the basis of their vitality: this is why the first rule to follow is to reduce the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index to make room for those that contain slow sugars. release and iron, such as fruits, vegetables, lean red meat, turkey, egg yolk, legumes and wholemeal flours. These substances, in addition to stimulating hair regrowth, promote the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygenating the tissues, including the scalp.

Other essential nutrients for the health and beauty of our hair are zinc, useful for preventing capillary hair loss and mainly contained in spinach and dried fruit; vitamin C, which helps fight the problem of dry and brittle hair; and Omega-3 fatty acids, necessary to strengthen the hair fiber and consequently reduce the weakening of the hair follicle that causes hair loss.

For extreme evils … an extreme shampoo

If you too belong to that group of women who are lucky enough to have straight hair like spaghetti without resorting to straightening and straightening, you have surely noticed that the hair, however beautiful and thick, becomes flat and dull when the hair is dirty.

Surely, not everyone has the opportunity to wash them frequently, given the hectic pace of life today, but if after just a couple of days from the previous shampoo they don’t really want to know how to respond to our commands, what do we do? No problem, dirty and lacking volume hair has its days numbered thanks to the dry shampoos sold online. This extraordinary cosmetic not only allows you to cleanse your hair in no time, but it represents a real godsend when it comes to giving more volume to the root.

Available in spray or powder format, it allows those who are always in a hurry to create a mise en beauté quickly and without the use of water, since the substances it is made of absorb the sebum and impurities that are deposited on the scalp. In this way, the hair will appear more voluminous, lighter and with a nice density, and you can easily postpone the washing for a few days.

Further reading…

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Written By Aastha

Meet Aastha, a passionate poet, content writer and avid reader. She loves books, music, and journaling and is dedicated to writing stories. Her goal is to become an author and share her creativity with the world. Follow her journey as she delves deeper into the world of literature.

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